Firewall concerns (NTL Studio)

Depending on which firewall, if any, that you utilize, you may find the need to open up certain ports to allow NTL Studio to work properly. The methods for doing this are varied, as there are many different firewall options available. The ports normally used by NTL Studio and its associated SQL Server instance will be listed below:

SQL Server service: 1433 TCP

SQL Browser service: 1434 UDP

Outbound communication to iLink: 10001 TCP

Inbound Communication from iLink: Varies, default is 3002 TCP

Even between NTL Studio Management\Distribution and SQL Browser, sometimes a local firewall software including Windows Firewall may require the opening of port 1434 UDP so that SQL information can be detected. Likewise, 1433 may need to be specifically opened.  This is especially true if trying to access your SQL Server instance and thus the NTL Studio Database from a secondary PC running NTL Studio. More information on this can be found in the following article:

If opening the ports as specified above does not allow access, try disabling the firewall on the SQL/NTL Studio computer. This should allow access for NTL Studio to work properly.